Adobe in the Lab Environment

Here is a brief introduction to the capabilities of the Abode products applicable to laboratory informatics. Much more can be found on the Adobe website but the information we have selected here is targetted at your working environment. You may especially want to look at "Rights Enabled" PDF functionality. It gives your corporate-wide Adobe Reader users eForms functionality previously only available from a full-blown Adobe Acrobat client.

Workstation vs. Enterprise

The popular Adobe Workstation products are ubiquitous. PDF reader can be found on almost every desktop! Adobe Acrobat is commonly found where document generation is written large and Dreamweaver a widely used professional website generation tool. But what of the Enterprise solutions? Did you know that the Adobe Livecycle ES can solve your document generation and security issues? We have already pointed you to Rights Enhanced PDF files which allow your staff to complete and save a PDF Form using only Adobe Reader! Thought about deploying PDF forms as a secure interactive front-end to your database systems? Read on!

Oh.. and don't forget to come back and contact us if you would like more information tailored to your specific needs!